Sunday, June 14, 2009

pollination day

Welcome to my organic garden journey. I use the word journey loosely as I really don't know where this is going - hopefully from the back yard to the kitchen table. I've never planted an all-organic garden until now and so far things are looking pretty good. My intention is to not use any synthetic soil amendments, fertilizers, or pesticides. I feel that keeping chemicals out of our soil, water, and food is an important component of living on a healthy Earth with healthy bodies.

A couple years ago I started making changes in my grocery shopping and now my kitchen is about 75% organic. I love the idea of producing my own food and if I had the land I'd be talking about goats, chicken and cows too. I seem to be a city girl with a country heart.

My garden was alive with pollinators this afternoon. As I relaxed on the hammock admiring the twining tendrils of the pole beans I noticed a great big black bumble bee buzzing about....then another.....and another..... and a couple bees of the yellow and black stripe variety, so I grabbed the camera and captured a shot of this little guy. Thank you busy bees. Can you identify the plant he is visiting?


  1. Wow, I can't wait to read more. I thought your thumb looked green.

  2. Welcome to the blogging world. I am excited to read more about your adventure in organic gardening.

  3. Think your garden was lookin good! Thanks for the tip on Rimadyl. I just give him aspirin now because it is easier on him.
